Facial Plastic Surgery in Covid Times 19

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Roxana Cobo
Jorge Espinosa-Reyes
Nicolas Heredia-Combariza


Otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery are specialties have been affected directly by the pandemia of the coronavirus SARS Covid 2/Covid 19. Facial plastic surgeons have close contact with nasal mucosa, oral cavity and nasopharynx during the physical examination, the performance of office procedures and during functional and cosmetic surgery, elevating the risk of exposure and infection due to the high concentrations of Covid 19 virus found in these anatomic sites.


Currently, national and international parameters are being established to try and define which are the best biosafety parameters and protective personal equipment (PPE) to be able to reopen outpatient clinics, perform minimally invasive procedures and eventually elective surgical procedures in the area of facial plastic surgery. A plan will be presented implementing guidelines trying to guarantee the highest security standards for the patient and the health workers.

The timing to re-open facilities will depend mainly on the evolution of the pandemic and the availability of medical and surgical facilities in the different areas of the country. Despite this, it becomes important to start establishing the necessary changes to be able to offer health services with the highest standards of quality and security for patients, administrative and health personnel


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How to Cite
Cobo R, Espinosa-Reyes J, Heredia-Combariza N. Facial Plastic Surgery in Covid Times 19. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020May7 [cited 2024Sep.19];48(1):97-101. Available from: https://dev.revista.acorl.org.co/index.php/acorl/article/view/498
Author Biography

Roxana Cobo, Centro Médico Imbanaco

Cirugía Plástica Facial Otorrinolaringología


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